中国海洋大学任为武教授课题组招收 “申请-考核”制博士研究生

点击 23回复 0 原帖 08-11 14:47

1. 欢迎具有有机合成、药物合成等相关背景的学生加入攻读博士学位。
2. 热爱科研,具有一定的理论基础和实验技能,动手能力强,在相关领域发表过sci论文;具有较强的工作责任心和团队协作精神;具有较强的英文读写能力。

任为武,教授,博士生导师,山东省泰山学者青年专家,2019年中国海洋大学“青年英才工程”一层次引进人才。2006年本科毕业于南开大学,2011年在北京大学获得有机化学博士学位(导师:杨震教授、陈家华教授)。之后在瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)从事博士后研究(导师:Jieping Zhu教授)。2016年至2019年在加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学(SFU)从事博士后研究(导师:Robert Britton教授、Andrew Bennet教授)。在有机化学、天然产物化学、药物化学等领域具有丰富的经验。在Nat. Commun.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Org. Lett.、J. Nat. Prod.等国际顶尖学术期刊上发表具有重要影响力的学术论文数十篇。担任Org. Lett.、J. Org. Chem.等国际期刊的审稿人。

1.        Tengfei Xuan, Xinyu Zhang, Wei Han, Yidong Huang, Weiwu Ren* Total synthesis of (+)-taberdicatine B and (+)-tabernabovine B. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2024, (影响因子: 9.1)
2.        Xuerui Wang and Weiwu Ren* Desymmetric [3+3] Cyclization of p‑Quinamines for the Synthesis of 1,2,4-Oxadiazines and Hydroquinoxalines. Org. Lett. 2024, 26, 1770. (影响因子: 6.072)
3.        Fengbiao Luo, Hao Dong, Weiwu Ren,* Organocatalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Tetrahydroquinolines from ortho-Aminophenyl para-Quinone Methides. Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 7727. (影响因子: 6.072)
4.        Xiaochen Tian, Yongxing Zhang, Hao Dong, Weiwu Ren,* Asymmetric α‑Regioselective [3 + 2] Annulation of Morita−Baylis−Hillman Carbonates: Construction of Three Contiguous Stereocenters with Vicinal Quaternary Carbon Centers. J. Org. Chem. 2022, 87, 9593. (影响因子: 4.198)
5.        Ren, W.; Farren-Dai, M.; Sannikova, N.; Swiderek, K.; Wang, Y.; Akintola, O.; Britton, R.*; Moliner, V.*; Bennet, A. J. * Glycoside hydrolase stabilization of transition state charge: new directions for inhibitor design. Chem. Sci.. 2020, 11, 10488. (影响因子: 9.346)
6.        Ren, W.; Gries, R.; .; Kurita, K. L.; McCaughey, C. S.; Alamsetti, S. K; Tu, L.; Linington, R. G.*; Gries, G.*; Britton, R.* Isolation, Structure Elucidation, and Total Synthesis of Dolichovespulide, a Sesquiterpene from Dolichovespula Yellowjackets. J. Nat. Prod. 2019, 82, 2009. (封面文章,影响因子: 4.257)
3. Ren, W.; Pengelly, R.; Farren-Dai, M.; Shamsi Kazem Abadi, S.; Oehler, V.; Akintola, O.; Draper, J.; Meanwell, M.; Chakladar, S.; Świderek, K.; Moliner, V.; Britton, R.*; Gloster, T.*; Bennet, A. J.* Revealing the mechanism for covalent inhibition ofglycoside hydrolases by carbasugars at an atomiclevel. Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 3243. (影响因子: 11.878)
4. Ren, W.; Gries, R.; McCaughey, C.; Derstine, N.; Alamsetti, S. K.; Kurita, K. L.; Tu, L.; Linington, R. G.*; Britton, R.*; Gries, G.* Maculatic acids-sex attractant pheromone components of bald-faced hornets. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 11618. (封面文章,影响因子: 12.257)
4. Ren, W.; Wang, Q.; Zhu, J.* Total Synthesis of (±)-Strictamine. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 3500. (影响因子: 12.257)
5. Ren, W.; Wang, Q.; Zhu, J.* Total Synthesis of (±)-Aspidophylline A. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 1818. (封面文章,影响因子: 12.257)
6. Ren, W.; Tappin, N.; Wang, Q.; Zhu, J.* Synthetic Study towards Strictamine: The Oxidative Coupling Approach. Synlett 2013, 1941. (影响因子: 2.418)
7. Ren, W.; Bian, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Shang, H.; Zhang, P.; Chen, Y.; Yang, Z.*; Luo, T.*; Tang, Y.* Enantioselective and Collective Syntheses of Xanthanolides Involving a Controllable Dyotropic Rearrangement of cis--Lactones. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 6984. (影响因子: 12.257)
8. Ren, W.; Chen, Z.; Xiao, Q.; Li, Y.; Sun, T.; Zhang, Z.; Ye, Q.; Meng, F.; You, L.; Zhao, M.; Xu, L.; Tang, Y.; Chen, J.*; Yang, Z.* Diastereoselective Total Synthesis of (±)-Schindilactone A, Part 3: The Final Phase and Completion. Chem. Asian J. 2012, 7, 2341. (影响因子: 3.698)
9. Xiao, Q. #; Ren, W. #(co-first author); Chen, Z.; Sun, T.; Li, Y.; Y, Q.; Gong, J.; Meng, F.; You, L.; Liu, Y.; Zhao, M.; Xu, L.; Shan, Z.; Shi, Y.; Tang, Y.; Chen, J.*; Yang, Z.* Diastereoselective Total Synthesis of (±) Schindilactone A. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 7373. (封面文章,影响因子: 12.257)


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