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英国biorbyt 抗体 蛋白 试剂盒 小分子 生物科研助理  


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首页 > 荣誉资质 > 2021年英国女王企业奖 ( The Queen's Awards for Enterprise )
2021年英国女王企业奖 ( The Queen's Awards for Enterprise )
2024-07-16IP属地 湖北83
发证机构   The Queen's Award for Enterprise in International Trade 发证时间   2021-04-29
上传时间   2024-07-16 有效期至   长期

英国皇家代表到访,向 Biorbyt 颁发女王奖!

4月29日《伦敦宪报》公布了 “ 2021年英国女王企业奖 ( The Queen's Awards for Enterprise ) ”的获奖企业,英国 Biorbyt 很自豪获此殊荣!

On April 29, THE GAZETTE announced the winners of "The Queen's Awards for Enterprise 2021", and Biorbyt UK is proud to receive this honor! 


皇家代表向 Biorbyt 颁发女王奖

近期,英国剑桥郡中尉 Julie Spence 夫人,在副中尉 Penelope Walkinshaw 夫人和少校 Rhyder Cameron-Wickes 中士的陪同下到访 Biorbyt 英国总部,并亲自向 Biorbyt 颁发女王国际贸易企业奖!
Recently, Mrs Julie Spence, OBE, QPM, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, accompanied by Deputy Lieutenant Penelope Walkinshaw, and Sgt Maj Rhyder Cameron-Wickes, Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet, visited Biorbyt UK Headquarters and personally presented the Queen's Award for Enterprise in International Trade to Biorbyt!

杨群,Biorbyt 联合创始人& COO (左一)
Tillmann Ziegert,Biorbyt 联合创始人& CEO(左二
Julie Spence 夫人,剑桥郡中尉 (右二)
Penelope Walkinshaw 夫人副中尉(右一

本次庆祝活动以皇家代表和贵宾参观公司并了解 Biorbyt 的历史及其在生命科学研究中的作用开始,随后是中尉和副中尉的讲话,并颁发了享有盛誉的水晶女王奖奖杯。仪式结束后,王室代表一边享用茶点,一边会见了Biorbyt团队的成员。
This celebration started with the distinguished guests enjoying a tour of the company’s premises and learning about Biorbyt’s history and its role in life sciences research. This was followed by speeches from the Lord-Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenant, and the presentation of the prestigious crystal Queen’s Award trophy. After the ceremony, the royal representatives met members of the Biorbyt team while enjoying refreshments.

Biorbyt 联合创始人兼CEO Tillamnn Ziegert 博士说:“我们很高兴获得这个奖项——这对我们来说确实是一个重要的里程碑。无论是在公司层面还是在全球范围内,团队合作都是我们成功的关键。Biorbyt 认为,生命科学研究需要作为一项国际努力进行协作,这反映在我们的运营方式以及我们与全球公司建立的关系上。”
Dr. Tillamnn Ziegert, Co-founder and CEO at Biorbyt, commented: “We are very excited to have received this award – it is truly an important milestone for us. Teamwork is the key to our success, both at the company level and worldwide. Biorbyt believes that life sciences research needs to be performed collaboratively as an international effort, which is reflected by the way we operate, and the relationships we form with companies all over the globe.”

Spence 夫人补充说:“女王企业奖旨在表彰企业的卓越成就和杰出成就。Biorbyt 真正值得这一认可,将本地专业知识与出色的持续国际增长相结合。我祝愿 Biorbyt 团队未来一切顺利,并期待看到他们继续蓬勃发展。”
Mrs Spence added: “The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise celebrate excellence and outstanding achievements in business. Biorbyt is truly worthy of this recognition, combining local expertise with outstanding continuous international growth. I would like to wish the Biorbyt team every success for the future, and look forward to seeing them continue to flourish.”




英国biorbyt 成立于2011年,总部位于英国剑桥,系世界领先地位的高品质生命科学试剂供应商,致力于为生命科学领域的科研人员提供高品质的产品和专业的技术服务。Biorbyt 专注于生命科学和生物技术领域研究,主要产品有抗体、小分子、ELISA试剂盒、蛋白等。Biorbyt 与世界著名高校、研究所、制药公司、生物科技公司和医院等客户建立了长期稳定的合作关系,产品销往全球。Biorby 已通过国际标准化组织 (ISO 9001)认证,并且于2021年荣获了“英国女王企业奖”。 

Biorbyt Ltdwas established in 2011, based in Cambridge, UK. We are committed to providing high quality products and professional technical services to researchers in the life science sector. Biorbyt is a leading, global, high-quality reagent supplier specialising in life science and biotechnology research. The main products offered by Biorbyt include antibodies, small molecules, ELISA kits, and proteins. Supplying on a global basis, Biorbyt has established long-term, stable, co-operative relationships with world-renowned universities,research institutes, pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies, as well as hospitals. Biorbyt have received ISO 9001 certifications,and won the "Queen's Awards for Enterprise" in 2021.


2021年英国女王企业奖 ( The Queen's Awards for Enterprise )